How Can You Groom Your New Pet?

The beautiful green color of the Chinese water dragon makes it one of the most attractive reptiles. You would be all set to have an interaction with a friendly and exciting companion when you bring a water dragon home. To become a good owner, it is important that you get familiar with the basic housing and feeding requirements of these exotic lizards. Your dragon can stay healthy and happy when you provide the ideal conditions.

Like most reptiles, water dragons also need special care and maintenance. Keeping track of your dragon’s growth, diet and behavioral patterns will help you handle your pet in an efficient way. It can be just a matter of few weeks or even a month for your dragon to get familiar with you – the new owner.

Chinese water dragons live for a long time in the captive environment if they are given the proper conditions and maintenance. You can also groom your pet dragon to make it look more attractive. Water dragons can prove to be very friendly companions if you turn out to be a good owner. Baby dragons love to spend time with humans but mature dragons are not obedient at all times.

You can tame your dragons from an early age so that they do not become aggressive when they mature. You must ensure that your pet gets the required amount of calcium and nutrition on a daily basis. Healthy pets with clear eyes and skin look more attractive and appealing compared to ones that are not fed well.

You should also maintain the ideal humidity requirements in the enclosure to allow proper shedding. You can even place a large water tray that allows your dragon to soak its entire body. Ideal humidity conditions ensure that your pet sheds its skin properly making it look clean and healthy. Bathing or soaking also helps the dragons keep their skin moist.

Active and alert pets not only are more fun but they also live for a long time. You must make sure that your pet receives the ideal amount of light to keep the bones healthy. Water dragon can recognize voices therefore you should talk to your pet from a spot it can see you clearly. This will make the dragon feel that its new home is not a bad place. You will also feel like a proud owner when your dragon trusts and welcomes you.